Fallout Out Shelter

Walkthrough, Tips, FAQs, Cheats, & #Facts!


This game was originally released on iOS and intended to hype-up the upcoming Fallout4 game, scheduled to be released in Fall 2015, but it broke all expectations by providing a freemium game that anyone can enjoy. There are many freemium games out there but many of them tend to make users feel used and their pockets gouged. Now with the android version out, they’ve somehow made it even better than expected!

This is a walkthrough or run-through for all, I won’t be mad if you don’t read the whole thing. The sections of this guide are:

  1. Part of the whole-sh-bang: According to the Fallout Universe, what’s a vault? How’d they come to be? What happened to America?
  2. Other ways you can play:…I think that’s self-explanatory.
  3. Everything You Need To Know…about playing the game and the dangers that await you; including FAQs.
  4. Fun facts about vaults, like the various vault experiments used in the Fallout Universe & cheats.
  5. Final Words.


Part of the whole-sh-bang:

If you don’t know much about the Fallout Universe then here’s the run down of the who, what, and how…


As tensions mounted leading up to the Great War of 2077, a shadow government organization, The Enclave, created Project Safehouse to save the American populous but the plan was far more sinister than anyone expected. The Enclave, comprised of elite members of the government, their families, and other select groups, planned to decimate humanity (by dropping the first bomb that started The Great War) and start anew on a different planet via a spaceship that was never got used.      vault tec vault 1

Vault-Tec and Robo-Co were commissioned to headway Project Safehouse, but with a population of 400 million it was obvious that not everyone would be saved. At least 122 vaults systems were ostensibly created to protect a selection of privileged citizens for up to 200 years and designed to keep a max population of 1,000 at any time. Vault-Tec also had their own intentions though; rather than spend years buried with regular citizens, they saw this as an opportunity to flourish post-war. Using siphoned funds to create their own Secret Vault they decided that the other vaults would be used as a basis for their experiments, with only 17 control vaults being built to the expected specs. Due to many “cry-wolf” drills, many people did not make it to the vaults before they closed when the bombs dropped.

Other ways you can play:…

Here’s where you come in. You. Are. The. Overseer. Much like any city builder game, Fallout Shelter works the same way buuuuuut, inverted. Players, erm…Overseers dig deeper into the mountain trying to make their vault thrive! If you use your imagination, you can play the game a number of ways. In the Fallout Universe, vault experiments ranged from faulty doors that leaked outside radiation to one lone man with a box of puppets. At the bottom of this article I’ve included all the actual vault experiments for your enjoyment, but here are a few examples of vault experiments that you can try out in one of your three vault slots:

Key:   Difficulty Levels: 1 easy – 2 medium – 3 hard.  Benefit: explanation of good, Difficulty: explanation of hardship,

-No Lunchboxes- 1 easy – You’ve done well in the game and earned yourself a lunchbox filled with power, water, food, clothes, weapons, caps, or a potential vaulter.; DON’T OPEN IT!!! In the Fallout Universe, there isn’t some magical Over-OverSeer to provide goods to the vaults; it’s technically a leg-up, kinda like cheating. Say Nay to Cheating and send your vaulters out into the wastes to find these same prized items legit-ly. When you build a radio station, people will come to your vault so don’t worry about missing out on special Wastelanders. Benefit: A sense of accomplishment, because by the time you’ve got your productivity up, lunchboxes become an unnecessary luxury. Difficulty: Only how hard it is to resist opening up one of those suckers.

-Family Businesses- 1 easy -Those of the same lineage would work together in production or skill rooms. Benefit: Procreation is easy when you know who’s related
. Difficulty: There shouldn’t be unless you screw it up!

-The Vanity Vault 1 easyOnly those that you deem worthy for procreation may have childrenshelter couple dance edit and thrive in the vault, while all the uglies, undesirables, and baldies forge the wastelands to obtain riches for the beautiful and smart people back at the vault. Benefit: Everyone looks pleasing to you because you’ve decided that they are nice looking enough. Difficulty: Only accidentally having an ugly procreate, so make sure you send ‘em out or keep them in the storage room.

This is the vault I have chosen, My vault is fill with beautiful African American women and Six sexy bachelors that help produce the babies.

-No Mr.Handy 1 easyHe aims to please and you can’t heal him. Don’t even bother opening the box for this metallic servant. Benefit: Save your actual money because you can’t heal him and he does have a tendency to get himself hurt during incidents. Difficulty: Just put down the credit card and back away from the phone.

-Little Lamplight 2 1 easy to 2 medium – Children may stay, then when they’re an adult and they’ve conceived, it’s off to explore the wastes. Benefit: Incidents won’t affect anyone, as children don’t die in the vault. Difficulty: Just keeping everything in order, i.e. getting adults out before an incident occurs.

(pregnant) Women and Children ONLY- 2 medium -About the same as Little Lamplight, but the pregos can work the machines and raise their skill levels making it easier later when you want to go co-ed. Benefit: Everybody Lives. Difficulty: Just keeping everything in order, i.e. getting adults out before an incident occurs, and unlike Little Lamplight 2, incidents interfere with production and training.

The Immortal Power Vault- 2 medium – About the same as Women and Children ONLY, but no food or water rooms. The males line up outside the vault waiting a chance to get some, or explore the wastes to procure gifts for the precious queens in their hive.  Benefit: Everybody Lives. Difficulty: Just keeping everything in order, i.e. getting adults out before an incident occurs, incidents interfere with production and training.

-Resiliency Test- 2 medium – 3 hard -Every dweller must earn their place in the ranks, making it so that only the strong survive, after they’ve grown up, load ‘em up with Stimpaks and Radaway, then send ‘em off. If they‘ve managed to not die then they may come back with the wonderful treasures that they’ve found for you, Lord Overseer! Typically I give them one Stimpak per an hour and half as much Radaway; once their skills are higher they don’t need as much. Benefit: Because you’re the Lord Overseer and demand that all before you be resilient and lucky. Difficulty: The temptation to resist reviving any dead dwellers, they’ve failed you, they’re useless, REMOVE them! (also if you REVIVE them, you have to use the caps in your bank, and wait for them to get beck before you get what they’ve found.

shelter gym hunks

-Single Gender 3 hard – No co-ed here, either send out all the men or all the women, only bringing the other in for procreation. Benefit: I can not think of a single thing. Difficulty: People will be sad, and it’s harder to procreate if you have to wait for the others to come back.

-World’s Loneliest Vault- 3 hard -One person per a room, it’s the saddest vault in the world, because no one ever meets each other. Don’t merge rooms, and keep people well equipped so that they don’t die during incidents since they’re by themselves. Benefit: If you’re thirst is quenched by the mental anguish of your vaulters, then, DRINK UP BUTTERCUP! Difficulty: Production is bound to be slow because they’re so sad.

-No Stimpak/Radaway- 3 hard – 4 off the charts! – I wouldn’t even do this, but if you can, GOOD LUCK! And I respect your gaming skills. (A variation of this method is to use only the ones found in lunchboxes). People will die and it will be difficult to grow your vault. If you’re crazy enough to try this, the only advice I could give besides, ‘Don’t try this’ is: Don’t expand your population capacity too high too soon, Start exploring early to obtain weapons and outfits (like ASAP!), Keep the ladies preggers All. The. Time! Benefit: Huh? A sense of accomplishment? Money saved on not building the Clinics and the Labs? Difficulty: Obviously you haven’t been reading what I said.

Everything You Need To Know…  

Every freemium game has its own currency and so does shelter resource bar explained editFallout Shelter, so to speak…Power, Food, and Water (..and caps) are the most important things needed to help your vault thrive. These things can only be obtained using certain rooms. The level of skill needed for that room determines how fast these items are produced; also upgrading or expanding the room increases production amount and storage of that item. Play at the pace that suits you. You don’t have to complete objectives in a certain time, its a casual game that’s feels better than what The Sims has become. Don’t build in a rush, take your time so that you don’t become over-whelmed, and enjoy because incident happen like every 7 minutes…and Deathclaws even more when you start to do the things that attract them.

Take note of the diagrams to the ABOVE and  BELOW.

Fallout shelter resource chart with special

-Power: If the power runs low for too long then blackouts will occur starting with the furthest rooms from the power room. Rooms that are more than 3 rooms away from power source is more likely to receive blackouts first, so keep your food and water rooms by this.

-Food: If the food runs low for too long then the mood of your dwellers will go down; maybe because their hungry! The only fix is to get food production higher so they can eat properly and not have to starve themselves, or waste a bunch of Stimpaks.

-Water: If the water runs low for too long then your Vaulters will become irradiated. The only way to cure the radiation is to produce a high enough and steady supply of water so that your vaulter can get better, or cure them instantly with Radaway.

-Caps: Bottle Caps, to be more specific, is the currency of the new world. In this game, it can only be used for reviving dwellers, getting rid of rocks, and buying/upgrading rooms. Earn CAPS by: Completing Objectives, When a vaulter level-ups (a vaulter produces the number of caps equal to their new level number, Scavenging the wastelands, Lunchboxes, and Normal room collections. Luck plays a big factor when it comes to caps, you might get a bonus number of caps depending of the cumulative luck of people in that room when collecting resources and exploring the wastes.


A snapshot of the main screen with labels. In the Pop-up Toolbar you can find, achievements, storage, settings, list of all unlocked items, your objectives, the store, and more!

labeled main screen

There are 2 more skills, Charisma & Luck, which is described more in depth when you click the link below. You are S.P.E.C.I.A.L., but not perfect, use skill rooms to increase these stats.  For the FULL run-down of Purchasable Rooms and Extensive Descriptions CLICK HERE to get routed to My Google Doc, since I couldn’t get the chart on this page. 😦  

shelter happiness bonus edit

Productivity and room collection: The more people in a room and higher happiness level means faster collection times and better bonus’.

– Rushing: Everytime you “RUSH”, the percentage goes up 10%, whether fail or success. After 3 collections the percentage goes back down 10%. Every time you succeed that adds to happiness. Every time you fail, that adds to sadness. To get to 0% incident rate, everyone must have that (SPECIAL) skill attribute for that room and their Luck at 10 each.

Types of Characters:

  • Vaulters & Robot:

  • Overseer– YOU! you sexy beast you. You are the shiny, crowning glory that is the vault, and everything you wish shall be.
  • Wastelanders– Anyone who comes from the outside to come live in the vault, whether by means of radio station calls, Fallout Lunchbox cards or tutorial. They act like normal vault dwellers, but sometimes may come with higher stats. It makes a difference to know what type a vaulter is when trying to complete certain objectives.
  • Vault Dwellers– Anyone who was born in the vault. It makes a difference to know what type a vaulter is when trying to complete certain objectives.
  • Vault Men– Active, productive, able-bodied members of your vault who aide in the production of vault resources. They can go out and scavenge for outfits, weapons, and caps.
  • Vault Women– Active, productive, able-bodied members of your vault who aide in the production of vault resources. Can be impregnated. They can go out and scavenge for outfits, weapons, and caps when not pregnant.
  • Explorers– Anyone who leaves the safety, comfort, and sweet bosom of the vault to venture past that cold, steel door. Bless them for they bring gifts of arms and armor.
  • Pregnant Women– CANNOT DIE because they’re carrying a child and in Fallout children can’t die. They may not leave the vault until the birth their child, but they will not give birth if you delete the living quarters that they were impregnated in because that is where the child comes walking out of when they’re born; deleting that room put the child in a state of limbo.
  • Child– In the vault, as in life, they do not contribute to your house (the vault), and eat up all your resources, but like in all Fallout games, children CANT DIE. They not leave the vault until they grow up, they grow up after 3 hours.
  • Mr. Handy – Only one robot per a floor. They will help with incidents and intruders; but you cannot heal them so be careful with them. Can also explore the wastelands without getting hurt, will return with a maximum of 5,000 caps!
  • Intruders & Incidents:

  • Animals
  • Radroaches– Simple creatures that are easy to kill with BB guns, if using fists, then watch your health.
  • MoleRats– Harder to kill than Radroaches. Watch the health of lower skilled vaulters, as they can die during these incidents. They bite electrical cords, interfering your power output.
  • Deathclaws– Once you start opening and closing the vault, after the tutorial, the activity will attract the attention of these deadly creatures, and so will using the radio room. They’ll rip through your door like a hot knife in melted butter. They also steal your food. (more below)
  • Raiders Intruders who, upon entering your vault, steals your power, food, and water. (more below)
  • Fires– Just be sure that there are enough people in that room to fight the flames.

For an extensive list of potential dwellers, weapons, outfits, and more, check out:fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_shelter .

shelter deathclaw escape 3

To stop Raiders & Deathclaws in their tracks, you’ll need vaulters in the first room intruders will enter. The bigger the room, means the more vaulters in there are in the fight; equip them well with outfits and weapons. If you don’t think you can win the fight (this is totally directed at Deathclaws), then just move the people out of the room that the enemy is about to enter; keep placing people into rooms that the enemy just left. Intruders will run around your vault, only to eventually leave, admitting defeat!

To Stop Incidents from spreading then don’t have your room layered on top of one another.Look at my vault as an example, shown above with “YiELey’S VauLt” labeled on it.

To Stop Deathclaws (sometimes): When collecting from the Radio Room, collecting Explorers, or sending out Explorers you stand the chance of attracting Deathclaws. To avoid them, simply RUSH random rooms, which will create a separate incident and two incidents will never occur at the same time. While everything is going happening then hurry up and do everything that you need to do!

It’s A Boy & A Girl & A Man & A Woman!

shelter kissing man

Flirting, Dancing, then Babies!: When you have at least one female and male in a living quarters together they will try to create the babies. If this is your intent then make sure that they aren’t related by checking the dialogue. If they aren’t related then they will flirt with one another until they start dancing, and then they’ll retreat to the back room where they’ll make-out and do gosh knows what.  The higher the charisma, the faster they get it on. If you need a place to have vaulters in waiting instead of roaming around the vault then use the storage rooms. Women are pregnant for 3 hours and it takes 3 hours for children to grow up. So it takes a total of six hours from conception to adult-hood. The user MUST BE in the game so that they can procreate, give birth, and grow up.

The Radio Room, which needs Charisma, can be used to call Wastelanders, and unfortunately, Deathclaws; as well as boost the happiness of your entire vault.

Exploring the Wasteland

Below are Frequently Asked Questions about Wasteland exploration:shelter line edit

  • Who can explore? Only Men, non-pregnant Women, and Mr. Handy may venture out into the wasteland.
  • How to explore? Tap-n-Drag your explorer out into the wastes; dress them, arm them, and load them with medicine (Stimpaks & Radaways)
  • How many people can explore? Any amount of people may explore the wasteland at anytime.
  • Are my explorers going to be okay when RETURNING? It will take half the time to return, than the amount that the journey took. (A 15-hour journey will take an explorer 7.5-hours to return) Explorers will not get hurt or attacked when returning, so let them go until they run out of Stimpaks.
  • Can I see how my Explorer is doing in the wasteland? Yes, just tap on the space outside the vault door and a pop-up window should appear. This is your Wasteland Queue, there are little arrows in the upper corners to move back and forth between people and/or Mr. Handy(s). You can also go to the main list where all your dwellers are and select the one you specifically wanted to check on.
  • Can I help my Explorer while they’re exploring? No you may not help them once they’ve left. Any Explorer may carry a maximum of 25 Stimpaks, 25 Radaways, 1 Outfit, and 1 Weapon when exiting, but seem to be able to carry any amount of weapons and outfits while exploring; so long as they don’t die).
  • What if my Explorer finds better gear? Explorers will switch to better outfits and weapons that they find when exploring.
  • If my Explorer dies, what are my options? If a Explorter dies in the wasteland then you can either REMOVE for free, or REVIVE with the caps that you have and not the ones they have. The higher the level, the higher the cost. NOTE: If you remove then you don’t get the stuff or the caps. You can leave them in the Wasteland Queue as long as you need or want to.
  • How much of the stuff do I get when my Explorer is returning? If you have the space for it, anything a explorer comes back with is brought in when they enter the vault. This includes Stimpaks and Radaways that you sent them out with.
  • My Explorer returned but it won’t let me let them in because of “not enough storage”, what do I do? If the items are shaded in a dark red, then those of the items won’t fit in your inventory, then tap on the items that you don’t really want until everything else isn’t shaded dark red anymore. Most items sell for 10 Caps. If there’s still not enough space then exit that screen, go into your inventory from the pop-up menu, then tap-to-select items that you want to sell. Legendary items can sell for around 100 Caps.
  • Want to know how to use explorers for more Stimpaks & Radaway storage space? Send a Vaulter out with the maximum amount, then have them immediately RETURN; that way they’ll be readily waiting by your vault door with Stimpaks & Radaway.
  • How can I better the chances of my Explorer’s survival and chance of finding items? An Explorers’ chance of survival and of finding great gear depends on how high their S.P.E.C.I.A.L. is.
  • All my Explorers have returned, now I’m not creating enough resources, what happened? When Vaulters are exploring they do not consume power, food, and water.
  • How does it work for Mr. Handy in the wasteland? Mr. Handy will collect a maximum of 5,000 caps ONLY, it takes him about 5 days. It doesn’t get hurt, nor fights, and it also doesn’t pick-up any gear.


Other Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why does my character die so easily when they have really high strength? Low level characters have low HP (Health Points). As they level up, you’ll find that they live longer because of a higher HP.
  • What is the maximum character level? 50
  • Why is my Vaulter’s health bar half red? They’re irradiated because of the lack of water in your vault, You must keep consistent levels of water above the marker to prevent this.
  • How can I stop intruders? You can’t. Upgrading the vault door might slow them down, but your vaulters are going to have to level up (for higher HP), and arm themselves to defend their home.
  • I left two people in a room for hours and when I cam back they still didn’t make a baby, why? There’s no incest in this vault. Check the conversations between vaulters before you leave them alone. If they’re family, they’ll note how great it is to spend time with their family.
  • How do I RUSH Training Rooms? You don’t. Training takes time, but if you merge, upgrade, or have more people in that room, then training times lessen. For maximum effectiveness and quicker times: Triple sized Training Rooms, upgraded to the third tier, with six people in it.
  • Do I get my gear back if I don’t revive a dead vaulter? Yes, your fellow vaulters practically strip the body and incinerate the rest! (not shown)
  • Do I get my gear if I don’t revive a dead explorer? No, because they haven’t brought it back to the vault yet.


Progress Report and Objectives:

How well you do on a progress report determines how many caps you get that day, but you ALWAYS get a Lunchbox on the 7th day, if you check-in everyday. Objectives are a great way to earn Caps and Lunchboxes! A lot of them are pretty easy, even some of the ones for Lunchboxes. You may skip one objective per-a-24-Hour Period, which is marked by the time of your Progress Report. If you haven’t done so already, and it’s close to Progress Report time then simply get rid of the hardest Objective. Below are a few quick descriptions of certain objectives and how they are achieved; take note of the wording for certain objectives:


  • Send # of dwellers into the wasteland: Send someone born of the vault out for the allotted # of hours.
  • Make # of dwellers dance: Right before the horizontal mamba vaulters dance to get themselves ready for the act, do this for different pairs of vaulters
  • Make # of dwellers pregnant: If you don’t know what this means then please talk to your parents and then return.
  • Collecting # of resources (power/food/water): Easy enough because you should be doing this anyways.
  • Selling # of an item (outfits/weapons): This is a very hard thing to do in the beginning because you need these things to help your vaulters have better stats and defend the vault against invaders and some incidents.
  • Raising # number of dwellers S.P.E.C.I.A.L.: Might be hard to do in the beginning because of the lack of skill rooms but what you do is use the skill rooms to raise the stat of a vaulter. The lower the stat, the less time it takes to raise it. You have to raise the stat of that many vaulters.
  • Merge # of rooms: You can put a maximum of 3 rooms together or the same type and level.
  • Equip a certain # of items (outfit/weapon): If you have the # they need then just unequip and re-equip items on that many vaulters.
  • Collect a certain # of items (outfits/weapons): just send as many vaulters you think necessary to the wasteland for about 10-15 miuntes and bring them back.
  • Have # Bald Dwellers: This just seems mean because I usually let my baldies go to the wastes and die if they don’t find anything good.
  • Kill # Deathclaws without weapons: SERIOUSLY!?!?!
  • Upgrade a certain # of rooms: the cheapest rooms possible.

Fun Things To Know About Vaults…

…like the various vault experiments used in the Fallout Universe.

Vault Name


Los Angeles Vault

The Vault-Tec demonstration vault. It was not part of the experiment, and was the Master‘s vault under the Cathedral in Fallout.

Museum of Technology demonstration Vault

The Vault-Tec demonstration vault, which displays the various technologies used   by Vault-Tec in constructing the Vaults.

Secret Vault

A secret vault dedicated to protect high-members of Vault-Tec Industries and used to research the latest technologies (like electrical laser weapons and instant regeneration) and the Forced Evolutionary Virus.

Vault Prototype

A small Vault-Tec facility used as the base of operations by the Brotherhood of Steel

Burkittsville Vault

An unnamed vault near Burkittsville mentioned in the Hamilton’s Hideaway terminal entries. Outside of the vault, cannibals wait to ambush those seeking refuge in the vault.

Unfinished Vault

A fenced construction area in a small cave north of Vaults 13 and 15. It may have been the first location of Vault 13 before its relocation.

Vault 0

A special vault designed to “monitor and control” other vaults, maintain the geniuses of the pre-War United States in cryogenic stasis, and release them once the outside parameters return to normal.

Vault 3

A control vault designed to open after 20 years, but kept closed longer due to the   wishes of the vault inhabitants. However, an unplanned water leak forced the occupants to open in hopes of trading with the outside. Unfortunately, all of the vault’s residents were massacred by a group of raiders known as the Fiends shortly after they opened the vault door.

Vault 6

The vault’s original purpose in the Vault Experiment is unknown.

Vault 8

A control vault, intended to open and recolonize the surface after 10 years with its GECK. Vault City is the result.

Vault 11

This vault was a social experiment designed to test obedience to authority and the ethics of a large group of people subjected to extraordinary circumstances. The dwellers were informed that a single person must sacrifice their life for the Vault, otherwise the master computer would shut down all life support. In reality, should the dwellers refuse, the Vault would open.

Vault 12

In order to study the effects of radiation on the selected population, the Vault door was designed not to close properly. This is the Necropolis vault and a large population of ghouls was the result.

Vault 13

Intended to stay closed for 200 years as a control group for the Vault experiment and simultaneously a study of prolonged isolation.

Vault 15

Intended to stay closed for 50 years and include people of radically diverse ideologies. Vault 15 is also the birthplace of three raider groups, the KhansJackals, and Vipers, and Shady Sands, which would become the New California Republic.

Vault 17

The Vault was raided in 2154 and its inhabitants taken prisoner by the Master‘s Army. The dwellers were subsequently turned into super mutants.

Vault 19

The vault was segregated into two groups, ‘Red’ and ‘Blue’. The groups lived in separate sections of the vault and was governed by 2 Overseers. Subliminal messages were routinely sent over to each other side causing mistrust among and the inhabitants and civil war between the 2 groups ending in complete collapse of the Vault. Candidates may have been chosen due to pre-existing paranoia or other psychological impairments.

Vault 21

Designed to study the evolution of a society where all conflict was resolved through pure chance, i.e. gambling. The Vault was taken over by Robert House after winning a game of blackjack where the wager was the entire Vault. It was subsequently filled with concrete and converted into a novelty hotel by Sarah Weintraub.

Vault 22

Vault 22 was equipped with the latest in biological and agricultural technologies, with the objective of developing plants that could be readily cultivated in the absence of natural light. However, an experiment with a parasitic fungus has turned on the scientists, leading to the destruction of the Vault. Survivors of the outbreak abandoned the Vault and headed to Zion Valley, spreading the spore across the wastes.

Vault 24

Unknown, any information in existence is based on cut content for a vault suit.

Vault 27

Vault 27 was deliberately overcrowded with a total of 2000 people assigned to enter, double the total sustainable amount making hot bunking mandatory.

Vault 29

No one in this vault was over the age of 15 when they entered. Parents were intentionally redirected to other vaults. Harold is believed to have come from this vault.

Vault 34

The armory was deliberately provided with an overabundance of weapons and ammunition, in addition to not being provided with a proper locking mechanism. The presence of weapons as well as lack of population control measures led to failure in the 23rd centuries. Social unrest would do Vault 34 in with several groups demanding access to weapons. The Boomers came from this Vault, but not all vault dwellers would leave the vault as a riot damaged the power reactor and most had succumbed to radiation poisoning or ghoulification with only a handful of survivors still in the vault.

Vault 36

Food extruders were designed to produce only a thin, watery gruel.

Vault 39


Vault 42

No light bulbs of more than 40 watts were provided.

Vault 43

Populated by twenty men, ten women, and one panther.

Vault 53

Most of the equipment was designed to break down every few months. While repairable, the breakdowns were intended to stress the inhabitants unduly.

Vault 55

All entertainment tapes were removed.

Vault 56

All entertainment tapes were removed except those of one particularly bad comic   actor. Sociologists predicted failure before Vault 55.

Vault 68

Of the one thousand people who entered, there was only one woman.

Vault 69

Of the one thousand people who entered, there was only one man.

Vault 70

All jumpsuit extruders fail after six months. Most of the inhabitants were Mormons. The city of New Canaan was founded by the vault dwellers after they left the vault.

Vault 74

Experiment unknown. In the tutorial, it’s a very small vault consisting only of the overseer’s office, atrium, clinic, and quarters (blocked).

Vault 76

This vault was designed as a control group for the vault experiment. Like Vault 8, it was intended to open and re-colonize the surface after 20 years.

Vault 77

Populated by one man and a crate full of puppets.

Vault 87

Forced Evolutionary Virus research facility that was also provided with a Garden of Eden Creation Kit.

Vault 92

Populated largely by renowned musicians, Vault 92 was a test bed for a white noise-based system for implanting combat-oriented posthypnotic suggestions.

Vault 100


Vault 101

Test the role of an omnipotent Overseer in a community remaining in indefinite isolation from the outside world, and study the reactions of the dwellers, should the isolation be broken.

Vault 106

Psychoactive drugs were released into the air filtration system 10 days after the door was sealed.

Vault 108

All initial positions were left unfilled, allowing the terminally ill Overseer (estimated to expire within 40 months of the Vault’s sealing) to fill them in according to Vault protocols, creating an unique experimental situation.  The Vault failed as a result of cloning experiments designed to replicate whole humans, but instead created Garys.

Vault 111


Vault 112

Vault 112 was set up as the personal Vault of Stanislaus Braun, utilizing virtual reality stasis pods.


In case you didn’t read the entire article (Some of these are explained somewhere above), here’s the list of current cheats I’ve obtained, if you know anymore please leave them in the comments:

  • Immortal Women– When a woman is pregnant, delete the living quarters that the act happened in  so that she remains forever pregnant.
  • Free Stimpak and Radaway storage– Send a dweller to the wasteland with 25 Stimpaks, 25 Radaways, and if you want a weapon & an outfit, then immediately RECALL them but don’t COLLECT them. They’ll stand by your door waiting to bring everything back in.
  • Time Travel– I do not recommend this one, as there are some kinks to work out still. Be sure to have a lot of reviving caps on hand! Speed up your phone’s internal clock to the next day or 2, then return to your game, it would seem that time has progressively moved on in your game, resulting in babies being born and kids growing up. Now they really do grow up fast! Also your explorers are probably all dead, revive them and make them return. Now speed the phone up once more to hurry them back home. Once they’re there, fix back your clock. Rooms may say 24+ hours to complete, just rush the room and the time will reset. Take note of the time before you change it. DON’T have anyone training during this time, as it will probably mess with the times. This can be used to skip objectives, and even get your bonus lunchboxes.

My Final Words

As times change, updates happen and it’d be nice if certain things in the game NEVER, EVER CHANGES!!!
  • Lunchboxes and Mr. Handys should be the only thing you can buy (Too many games make the player feel exploited)
  • Don’t allow players to directly buy caps, or any characters, weapons, outfits, or resources they want.
  • Don’t make it a social game. I shouldn’t feel ostracized for not having my social networking friends play with me, and others shouldn’t get bonuses for it either
  • The game is great in it’s simplicity. I’ve seen sites that have suggestion on how to change the game but they all seem to make the game very complicated. You want a complicated game, BUY FALLOUT 4!
Some things could stand to change though:
  • People profiles with parent names and/or the ability to write a short note about them. (or even let us add tags to characters.
  • There should be more clothing options for female dwellers.
  • Add randomizer for faces and names.
  • Occasionally let merchants show up at the vault door with items for sale.
  • Option to turn on/off “Insta-Zoom”.
  • ”Max Zoom-Out” button.
  • Different Kind of Intruders like Super Mutants, Fiends, Legion, Nightstalkers, and any other post-apocalyptic dangers Fallout has.
  • Ability to buy Turrets and place at least one in each room, but they should go up in cost like the rooms.
  • The UI (User Interface) for the Storage is a complete mess, if they could just find a way to organize it. Maybe add a SPECIAL bar at the top, and when you tap a letter, it’ll show all the articles for that skill.
  • An option to downgrade, and perhaps get a few caps back in the process.
I understand developers need to make$ money too, so if they feel the need to charge for something else, then here are a few ideas:
  • Induce birth.
  • Insta-grow or hormones, to make your kids grow-up faster.
  • To help support developers, so maybe they wont get too greedy, buy a $4 pack of Lunchboxes and a Mr. Handy at the creation of your new vault, that’s 5 BUCKS! It’ll also help get you on your feet.


If you have any other questions, or comments then feel free to post them in the comments section…and please recommend my guide to your fellow overseers!

Last Updated 09/21/15.

6 thoughts on “Fallout Out Shelter

  1. I love your guide! I very rarely agree with everything in a game guide, but you are nailing it. The ideas for purchaseable stuff are spot on and so is the “Do Not Change” section. Thanks for the tip for storing extra stimpaks and radaways.


  2. “In Fallout children can’t die” – sorry, but I take it you’re console gamer, are you not? Please google “fallout childkiller perk”.


  3. Actually this was very helpful… I was surprised… I’m using some tips now! Honestly I’ve never played the fallout games but I’m addicted to this one, it’s a more fun version of the Sims


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